2 Week Airbnb Vacation? Here Are 18 Things to Take Care of at Home First – Summer Travel Tips

The two weeks of your Airbnb vacation. It can be very disappointing to be home and find the dead plant.
16. Maintain your car

Make sure your vehicle, as well as any other vehicle you’re leaving in the parking lot is secure and safe. To keep away from unwanted attention it may be necessary to keep your vehicle at home for some time. To ensure that your vehicle is in good shape make sure you have someone drive it once a week.

17. Turn off the Water in Your House

Unexpected plumbing problems can happen during a vacation. To avoid a terrifying circumstance, you should shut off the water running through your house unless you have guests visiting your home or staying for the duration of your stay to monitor the situation.

18. Unplug All Appliances

Unplugging appliances is a smart idea. You never know what may occur. Unexpected storms can lead to power outages, that can cause damage to your appliances. To ensure your safety, disconnect all appliances prior to leaving for your trip.

Relax and Enjoy Your Two Week Airbnb Travel without stress

The information you have learned will help you understand what you need to do for your home to be waiting for you to arrive on your return from your 2 weeks trip to Airbnb.


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